Just like the color scheme, choice of hardware and type of lighting, smart cabinet design is a key component in ensuring every aspect of a room's aesthetic works.
Storage will of course always be the primary function, but there may be more to cabinet design than meets the untrained eye with a whole host of features, benefits and effects that may not be obvious at first glance.
From beautifully produced cabinets contributing to the overall look of the room to smart design making the most of the space available, they bring so much more to the home than merely storage. Helping to maintain a cleaner and classier look by hiding away appliances until they are required is another way smart cabinet design can help us to keep our homes looking exactly as we would like them to.
Looking smart
One feature that all cabinet designers have in mind when creating their masterpieces is the way they will affect the aesthetics of a home. Natural wood grain can accentuate the other colors and textures of a room while cabinets painted a different tone from the walls around them can offer a pleasing contrast.
In addition to color, the physical structure of cabinets also plays a part in how their appearance affects a room. Though most commonly rectangular boxes, cabinets can vary in height, depth, shape, and intricacy of design features. An ornate pattern or unique door shape creates an effect with more impact than any color or texture ever could.
Smart cabinet design takes into consideration the aesthetic balance of a room, and will always try to avoid being overbearing or looking otherwise out of place.
Not lost in space
While everyone understands that cabinets are great at saving space by providing a place to store our belongings, smart cabinet design goes a step further by utilizing space that is otherwise impossible to take advantage of.
Gaps between appliances can be filled with small cabinets, creating useable features in otherwise wasted areas while corner cabinets can bring dead space in rooms to life.
Hallways and corridors that are wide enough to contain extra space but not so broad as to allow furniture can also benefit from strategically placed cabinetry. This addition can create a more balanced feel, alter the size and layout of a corridor, and of course provide extra storage in a space that would otherwise go unused.
The appliance of design
For the homeowner concerned with maintaining a rustic feel to their abode, smart cabinet design can be utilized to conceal electrical goods and appliances.
In the kitchen, even the largest refrigerators can be hidden by built-in cabinetry to preserve the overall look that has been so carefully considered. In the lounge, television cabinets have long allowed a wood cabin effect to run unbroken through the room while stereo systems, cable TV boxes and DVD players can also be concealed from view.
Great cabinet design will always lead to beautiful, practical units that serve their dual purpose of looking great while providing a place to store our belongings. However, truly smart cabinet design takes this a step further by working in conjunction with the aesthetics of a room to create something even more pleasing to the eye, making best use of otherwise dead space, and even helping to conceal electrical appliances that don't need to be visible at all times.
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