When shopping around for furniture for your home, it can be very tempting to go for the lowest priced option, regardless of who designed it, where it was made and how it was manufactured. Many people argue, however, that buying items manufactured at home is better than importing, but to what extent is this true?
The reality is that for most people, the price of what they are buying is a priority. As most of the time the cheapest items available are imported ones, many people end up investing in products that are made in countries where production costs are particularly low. They're advantageous buying this kind of furniture when compared to US made kitchen cabinets, however.
Although the price can be lower for cheaper imported goods, one thing that US made kitchen cabinets have over those made through low cost overseas production is that they can be manufactured to a significantly higher standard.
A key reason for this is that although production abroad can be of a high standard, there are also many factories that use unskilled labor to make cabinets and other furniture, resulting in a lower price. Although this can be appealing, this has significant consequences for the quality and therefore durability of the cabinets you are buying for your kitchen or bathroom.
On the other hand, there are many skilled and fully trained artisans and furniture makers in the US that - although they are compensated proportionately for the skill that goes into the making of the furniture - can create items that are of a superior quality and will last a great deal longer.
There is also the distinct advantage that buying from a US based company or manufacturer has a higher level of traceability than when buying imported cabinets. As items are designed and built in your home nation, it becomes more possible to ask the retailer for direct contact information for the manufacturer of your product and easily trace its origin.
This allows you to do research yourself on the quality of the item and who made it before you buy. This is more difficult when buying from abroad, as tracing the factory or workshop where an item was made can be long, convoluted, and it may be difficult to obtain any information about the manufacturer other than their name.
Although it is generally thought that buying imported cabinets can be a lot cheaper, there is also a price advantage to buying US made kitchen cabinets, and that is that their price does not include costs such as import duties, transportation costs and other fees that come with liaising with a foreign company.
The supply chain is lot shorter, meaning that there are fewer middle men, less transportation and fewer administrative fees when buying a US made item in the US. Although you may be paying more for a higher quality of workmanship, you will also be paying less for these other factors.
Last but not least, it should be mentioned that buying Us made kitchen or bathroom cabinets also has a number of benefits for the environment. One of these is down to that fact that many companies in the States now manufacture their wood products to environmental norms, including using only wood from sustainable sources and clean manufacturing processes.
In addition to this, transporting goods from overseas can create a lot of pollution, which makes the US made option doubly appealing for those who care about the ethical and environmental impact of what they are buying.
Whether you do buy your kitchen or bathroom cabinets from abroad or from national manufacturers will depend on a number of factors, including price, quality and style. The arguments listed above, however, are some reasons why you might decide to shop at home next time you renovate your home.
Domain Cabinets Direct is a leading supplier of premium ready-to-assemble solid wood kitchen and bathroom cabinets in the USA and Canada. The service offers a range of cabinet lines that are subjected to a rigorous quality control process to guarantee that all customers receive a high quality finished product. The full range of RTA cabinets from Domain Cabinets Direct is available via their online store, and those wishing to look before they buy are invited to visit their showroom in Southern California. For customers searching for customized kitchen and bathroom cabinets, Domain Cabinets Direct also offers a convenient 3D design service at a highly competitive price. With a variety of woods and finishes available, customers are guaranteed to find cabinets that perfectly suit their tastes and interior decor. To find out more, please visit:
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